Translating your needs into a healing experience
Licensed Massage Therapist | Personalized Treatment | Free Phone Appointments
Licensed Massage Therapist
Personalized Treatment
Free Phone Appointments
Ease neck pain, back pain and mental stress by relying on a technique pioneered by the physician William Sutherland. Craniosacral massage works by optimizing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the spine and around the skull. Learn more by reaching out to Stone to Water Therapeutics today!
Reap the benefits of working with Miriam Goldstein, a licensed masseuse who is a member of the American Massage Therapist Association (AMTA).
Though the technique is subtle, comforting, and stress-relieving, there's nothing limited about the results you'll get from craniosacral therapy. Ease your neck and back pain, as well as your stress, today for $90 per 60-minute session.
For more stress reduction, consider our MELT sessions.
Same-Day Massage Treatments Often Available
Call to schedule an appointment
(516) 617-2901
"Miriam is skillful in massage therapy and the combining of the massage with hypnosis creates a powerful positive experience. Miriam uses hypnosis therapy for relaxation and for manifesting goals through creative visualization. I highly recommend Miriam!!!"
- Cathy D via Facebook
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